4th May 2012

Derbyshire Literature Festival

It’s always good as a writer to be involved in local activities that get children, and people of all ages, involved in literature, in a more pro-active way. We’re very lucky in Derbyshire to have a literature festival, held every two years in the county.  There are some fab authors taking part this year, two of whom are Twitter’s very own YA author, Emma Pass, and children’s author, Caryl Hart.  Our wonderful libraries host many of these events, so a big thumbs up to them!

I will be taking part in four events… whoop whoop… and am also hosting the first ones starting on 11th May, which means I get to be at the beginning of the brochure… hee hee! Oh, I’m so easily pleased!  The festival runs from 11th – 20th May and you can find more details at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/festival.

I’ll be doing activities with children based on the Ruby and Grub books, ‘Fun and Frolics with Ruby and Grub’ with a bit of Buttercup Magic thrown in for good measure.  Not quite sure what the ‘Fun and Frolics’ will entail yet… but, there is a Ruby and Grub game, and there will be felt pens and a sticking game which involves me cutting out around 200 little pictures and will inevitably involve glue… and there will be lollies… of course!  Glue and lollies…. hmmm! That could be interesting!  I’ll have some copies of the Ruby and Grub books and Buttercup Magic too for those who would like a copy.  My events are as follows:

Friday 11th May: Kilburn Community Hall – 11am-12noon
Friday 11th May: Sandiacre Library – 2-3pm
Monday 14th May: Chesterfield Library – 10.30-11.30
Monday 14th May: Dronfield Library – 2-3pm

These events are FREE but you need to book places, which can be done via any Derbyshire Library or by phoning: 08456 058 058, or go to their website (as above.)  You can also follow Derbyshire Literature Festival on Twitter!

This is a fantastic festival, and a lot of time and hard work goes into arranging it.  I hope Derbyshire folk come out in their hundreds… nay, thousands… to support it!  And as the master of bunniness, Mr Bugs says… That’s all folks!


9 responses to “4th May 2012”

  1. jomcarroll avatar

    Bother – can’t get there. But I’ll be with you all in spirit.

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      There in spirit is fab, Jo!

  2. Emma Pass avatar

    Thank you muchly for the shout-out! Your events sound fab, I may have to pretend to be small and sneak into one… 😀 Very, very, very best of luck with ’em! x

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Thanks Em! I’ll save you a lollie ;o)

      1. Emma Pass avatar

        Hurrah! ‘Cause I didn’t get one last week, you know! *frowns*

  3. Martin Shone avatar

    Good luck, Abi 🙂

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Thanks Martin 🙂

  4. dansmithsbooks avatar

    Sadly, I won’t be there, but . . . wehaaay! It sounds great.

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Thanks Dan! Aw, shame… again, you get to miss out on The Lollies!!! 😉

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