An Indiscriminate Moonlight
Being a bit short of blogability time this week, I thought I’d post one of my poems, and a picture of me in my new funky writing specs… just because they’re new and they’re funky (aubergine with turquoise over the ear bits) and the words would be a lump of grey without them! I can also now see the words without them being segmented by the thousand and one scratches that were on my old specs… pure joy!
On to the poem – this wee thing started life as a four stanza poem two or three years ago, then I dug it out again towards the end of last year and played about with it. A lot of my poems are written this way. The first, shorter, poem, had no characters and was more about the light on objects. I like this new one a lot more as it has a sense of languor about it and the feeling that this is a perfect end to a perfect evening… I hope so anyway. Hope you like it!
An Indiscriminate Moonlight
As firelight fades
and clumps of coal cough
their cradle-song into the air,
his long shape shifts,
surrenders to cushions dappled
by an orange glimmer,
the echo of a glow.
He reaches down,
lights a cigarette,
smoke trails searching out a path
among yellowed corners.
Her foot drips over the edge,
silver sandal hanging
from painted toes,
eyelids droooping heavy,
spilling over a casual glance,
a slither of skin laid bare
beyond a straining of the seam
and an opal trembling
at her throat.
On an oval table,
dry -cracked with time,
a book lies open.
A well-worn triangle marks the page
and crumbs of cake
cosy up the spine.
the light draws back into darkness,
hides itself among folds of night
while slender wheft of moon
unravels a strip of white into the room
as embers sleep,
and the half-burned cigarette
comes to rest.
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