Head space
Mmmm, yes, head space… I’m not sure we writers get a lot of this. I think that the inside of my head, were the contents to be emptied, would look a bit like a huge pile of lego bricks, but with words on the side, all shapes and colours and in a complete mess, but with the potential to be connected at some point and constructed into something humungous and glorious… maybe!
So, I force myself to have head space every day, even when there’s a compulsion to keep going with the wordy stuff. For me, my head space, as some of you lovelies who follow me on Twitter (despite the bizarre nature of most of my tweets) will know, is out walking with the hound. We go for a couple of miles some days, across field after field. I usually listen to music with my earphones in, although sometimes I just like to hear the sounds around me. Once I’ve had this break, I can go back to the words afresh, begin again, and often see things I’d missed before, or manage to clamber over one of those gnarled bits that sometimes tangle our words up. Occasionally, I take my camera, shut off completely from the words and just absorb stuff. So, today I’ve done a photo gallery thingy of some of the things that make me go “Ooooh” when I’m having my bit of head space.
I have a bit of a thing about poppies, especially red ones. This is a field of oil seed rape that I pass regularly on my walks. There’s something so hopeful about poppies. I like their randomness and ability to survive whereever. They always lighten my heart, whether it be a field of them like little wee hearts beating, or just a random one or two. I like this pic above because the sun almost made the green leaves in front transparent. They could be fairies about to find their wings and flutter off into the sky.
A little beating heart among the green.
I love this spiky tree. Had passed it loads of times and wanted to take a pic. It changes so much according to the light. It was lovely this day with the fluffy blue and white clouds as a backdrop.
I also have a thing about fences, gates, posts, chains, barbed wire, general rammel and rubbish, places that are neglected. I love the contrast between worn and neglected things and nature. There’s a real gut pulling beauty in the juxtaposition of these.
And another… and yet, how often do we walk past these sights and take no notice?
I love this ivy covered trunk. Ivy really has got its head screwed on right, hasn’t it? It travels the places it wants to travel and won’t be stopped. It knows its own mind and follows its own path regardless… if I was a plant it’d be a toss up between ivy and a poppy. Think I’d have to go with the poppy in the end as I think it’s the free spirit of the flower world.
And, of course, no hound walk would be complete without the gorgeous Molly, who is looking uber happy here – she does love our walks. It’s great to share my head space with her. Maybe she needs some head space too… who knows.
Hope you’ve enjoyed looking at these. What do you do to get your head space?
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