26th October 2012

Breaking my Blog and Blogging about my Break!

I have decided to have a blog break for a while, and have been kind of putting off this post as I didn’t really want to.  After almost a year and a half of weekly blogging, breaking off from it felt like taking a step backwards somehow.  But then I realised, as I have come to realise at other times in my life, that changing things is as much about moving forwards, in fact, more so, than carrying on with something just because you’ve got into a practice of doing it.

So, my Blog on Friday is now just my Blog, and posts will appear at random, or not, as the case may be.  I have the SCWBI conference in Winchester in four weeks, and mine and my co-writer’s adult contemporary novel goes out to publishers next week (EEEEP!) so I am sure there will be things to report along the way.  In the meantime, I will be writing, teaching, painting, editing, being a mum, and there may even be dancing!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has read and followed my posts so far, and to those who have almost religeously left comments, often very thought provoking ones, often humorous, often inspiring and always supportive.  I hope you continue to tune in when the urge to blog takes me.

And a thought to leave you with.  This was our cherry tree on Wednesday morning…

And this is little miss cherry eight hours later…

Time passes, things change. She has fewer leaves but the ones she keeps are no less beautiful.  In a few days she will have none, and in the Spring she will bud and have fresh green leaves.  Changes need to be embraced because they make life all the more wonderful.





18 responses to “26th October 2012”

  1. Jo Carroll avatar

    Change can be exciting – and opening door – and opportunity. Enjoy it, Abi – and I’m glad you’ve decided to do the right thing for you. And I’m so looking forward to dropping by from time to time to see what you’re up to.

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Aw, thanks, Jo. I appreciate all you comments and loyalty to me and my wee blog… big thank yous! x

  2. Jenny Alexander avatar
    Jenny Alexander

    First, I thought ‘Noooooooo! I love my Friday visits to Abiland!’ Then I thought, ‘Hold on a minute…’ And then I thought, ‘Why don’t I do that?!’ There may be changes coming up in the House of Dreams. Meantime, well done Abi – change is always a letting go situation – and it’s also the nature of life, as you say. I’ll look forward to following your blog now you’ve unhooked it from its moorings 🙂

  3. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Awww, Jenny. That’s so sweet. Thank you very much indeed, and thanks for all your support. I look forward to seeing the changes you make too! 🙂

  4. Martin Day avatar

    Abi, I’m glad that you’re not saying goodbye as, in particular, a couple of your blogs have really helped me get a grip on my current project – it being on a much larger scale than I’m used to (to be specific – your blogs on character development and plot planning). But equally I am a believer in only doing what you decide to do and not being guilted and shamed in to giving beyond what what you are happy to give (even if that guilting and shaming is purely internal!). So good for you in changing your blog-pace.

  5. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Aw, thank you, Martin. Really glad those posts have helped, and thank you so much for following and for all your lovely and thought provoking comments. And yes, you are right, we beat ourselves up for these things sometimes don’t we, and we really shouldn’t. Every change, if made for the right reasons, and if it means being true to ourselves, has to be right. Thank you 🙂

  6. Emma Pass avatar

    VERY relieved that you’re not giving up the blog altogether – I love reading your posts! But I totally understand that you need to take a break with it. Things always stop being fun when you feel you *have* to do them – better to do them when you really want to, and keep the enjoyment alive. I’ll look forward to reading your posts when you do blog, and in the meantime we can always meet up for cuppas and hound walks in the real world! 🙂

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Ah, thanks, Em. Lovely thing to say and glad you enjoy my small contributions to The World of Blog. And yes, hound walks and cuppas are a must!

      1. Emma Pass avatar

        Oops, that should have said ‘break *from* it’… gah. I blame Friday!

  7. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Ha ha! And I didn’t even notice… I blame Friday too! 😀

  8. Annette avatar

    When we feel we have to rather than we want to, it becomes work and no longer a joy. I totally understand why you are taking a break but I’ll be looking forward to your posts whenever they arrive.

  9. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Aw, thanks ever so for that, Nettie 🙂 xx

  10. dansmithsbooks avatar

    Don’t blame you, Abi. Committing yourself to once a week is a lot to maintain. I’ll look forward to your musings in the future though . . . you have joined the ranks of the casual, flirtatious bloggers now. We embrace you.

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Thank you, Mr Dan. Casual and flirtatious sounds a lot more fun to me 😉

  11. Julia Munroe Martin avatar

    “Changes need to be embraced because they make life all the more wonderful.” << I couldn't agree more. We'll be here when you are. I'm with Dan, we embrace you! xox

  12. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Thank you, Julia. Can’t thank you enough for all your support xox

  13. […] And here’s another one from Abi Burlingham, on her decision to let go of having a regular blogging day http://abiburlingham.wordpress.com/2012/10/26/26th-october-2012/ […]

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Thanks, Jenny x

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