26th November 2013

A place to linger

Welcome to my new webby. I love it. I liked my old one, but I like this one lots more.

So, why a new website? Well, websites are very personal things aren’t they? They should reflect who we are, but also, as writers, I think they should reflect how we feel as a writer. Somehow, my old website, didn’t seem to reflect who, and where, I am now. It was three years ago (Blimey, that long?) when I launched my first website, and I was in a very different place to the one I’m in now.

The Very BazaarWebsites need to be accessible too, they need to reflect who we are in order to effectively promote what we do. Most importantly, I think, they need to be a place in which someone feels happy to immerse themselves – a bit like a comfy chair, a hot bath, or a fantastic book. It’s a bit like a visit to a favourite shop isn’t it? In my favourite shop, I want to wander round, linger and feast my eyes. I think a website should be like this.

I kind of realised I didn’t want to submerge myself or linger in my old website any more. It was like an old chair – dated, a bit uncomfortable, it made me wriggle like a mohair jumper. It felt cluttered, messy – Primark at sale time! I needed to downsize, tidy up, and make it more me, but also, make it into a place that others felt was them too.

As some of you will know, me and I.T have something of a hate/hate relationship. If I.T were a person, I’d have served an eviction order by now. If my lappo were made of paper, it would have been ripped into tiny pieces, chewed up, spat out and jumped on, then fed to the hound.

So, rather than give myself a nervous breakdown by attempting to restore this already failed relationship, I handed over to Nettie Thomson of Meldrum Media, and she did wonderful magical things with her wonderful magical hands and her wonderful magical eyes and she made me this lovely… Ooooooh… lovely place that I want to linger in.

My part in this was to provide the bumf and photos and to draw lots of trees and birds, which became a large part of the design, but which I would have had no idea what to do with without The Nettie Magic. Why trees and birds? I love trees and birds – they make me happy.

I love to linger here now, and I hope you do too.

I’d love to hear what you think of the new site, so please leave a comment below.

Many thanks x





10 responses to “26th November 2013”

  1. diannej65 avatar

    Hi Abi 🙂 Your new webby is lovely. Nettie has definitely made her magic work but the content is yours and it’s gorgeous. I’m looking forward to spending many hours feasting my eyes.

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Hi Dianne! Thanks so much for that. I am really pleased with it too. Hope you enjoy my future blog posts 🙂

  2. dansmithsbooks avatar

    Looks great! Like a lovely new sofa with plenty of comfy cushions and a handy side-table for wine/coffee. Not at all like an old chair.

  3. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Thank you, Mr Dan. With that analogy, I loves it even more now 😉

  4. Martin Day avatar

    Well done for embracing the upheaval, Abi – so just so you, know I’ve followed to here too – you have been such a useful voice to me at just the right times; I wouldn’t want to miss anything more you might want to throw out nto the web-ether-phere … thanks

  5. Abi Burlingham avatar

    Hi Martin! Bless ya. Thanks for that – a lovely thing to hear and so glad you’ve hopped over to my sparkly new place 🙂

  6. Martin Shone avatar

    It is very nice and comfortable to be here … now where’s the coffee machine?

    1. Abi Burlingham avatar

      Coffee machine? *drags on coat and races to Tesco*. Thanks, Martin 🙂

      1. Martin Shone avatar

        You’re welcome, Abi … and don’t forget those very nice and tasty little biscuits 😉

  7. Jenny Alexander avatar
    Jenny Alexander

    It’s lovely – I’m looking forward to hanging out here! Only problem seems to be that I’ve tried to follow a couple of times and it’s told me a confirmation email has been sent, but it hasn’t 🙁

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