Category: Blog
18th November
My first guest blog! I thought it’d be nice to have guest bloggers on my wee blog sometimes, and today is my first! My partner in crime today is Duncan Pass, husband of YA author Emma Pass, and printer, painter and artiste extraordinaire. You know that feeling when you look at a painting or piece of…
11th November
Buried Treasures Hearing Voices vol. 4 Buried Treasures, the title of this blog, is also the title of a poem I’ve just had published (oh yes oh yes oh yes) in Hearing Voices Volume 4, a magazine put together by Crystal Clear Creators based in Leicestershire. To say I am overjoyed is an understatement, especially…
4th November
Launching Grub’s Pups Okay, so the date for publication of Grub’s Pups was closing in on me, and I had this idea… why don’t I have a book launch? Then I had this other idea… no, let’s not, too scary. I’ve been here before you see, and talked myself out of the thing. I’ve just…
28th October
Every picture tells a story I am a picture person. I used to love to draw and paint, still do if I ever get time. But what is in my head doesn’t translate as well as I’d like and other people always do it soooo much better than I can. So I am kind of in…
21st October
What inspires you? This is going to be more of a woody photo gallery blog this week… with a bit of wordy stuff thrown in for good measure. I’m a bit of a tree fanatic, and have been for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure if I am, in some way, genetically disposed to…
14th October
Knowing your characters I’ve had a fair few chats with fellow tweeters lately about the different, or similar, ways in which we write and how we develop character, which has prompted me to write this post. When I think about my writing, most of it is character driven and plot considerations come later. This may or may…
7th October
Guess who’s coming to dinner? If you’re asked who your main influences are, where do you start? It’s a toughie isn’t it? In some ways I think almost everyone who becomes part of your life in any way, influences you to some degree. But it is a question people ask and it’s something I’m always…
30 September
Pencil holding fingers – an editing workshop How do you feel about the editing process? Is it something you relish, or something you find difficult and face with a sense of dread? Almost exactly a year ago, I attended an editing workshop at Nottingham Writers’ Studio, an incredible experience which had a lasting effect on me for…
23 September
The Undercover Cop I would say I was an unconfrontational person. I don’t like arguments or fall outs. I don’t like to be on the receiving end of anyone’s animosity, negativity or anger. Stems from my childhood I think, where school was a pretty grim experience (will save that for another blog… maybe). But I do consider…
16 September
This week, I had a fancy to do something where a bit more audience participation was required… so, here follows the opportunity for you, the reader, to have a bit of a gas about your favourite book (yes, just one) and why it’s your favourite. Hopefully, other readers will pick up some good reads through…