Category: Blog
25th April 2013
Stilling the mind I sat in my car the other day – one of those school run moments, waiting to pick up my son, and sometimes the first time in the day when I get time to just sit – and I thought ~ I just want my head to be still, to stop chattering…
16th March 2013
Donating books to help children A very lovely lady called Rachel has recently contacted me. She is a mum and volunteer librarian at Ystruth Primary School in Blaina, South Wales. The school is located in a deprived area where many children have never had the experience of visiting a library. The school have started a project to set up a…
13th March 2013
The journey forwards It’s been a rather frantic few weeks for me as I now have numerous jobs and have, to term a well-known phrase, not always been able to see the wood for the trees. There has been little time to write lately, and much as I love my ‘other’ jobs, all of which are wordy…
27th February 2013
WORLD BOOK DAY! Oh yes, it’s that time of year again, and I LOVE IT! World Book Day this year is on 7th March. There are games, resources and a book review competition on their official website (see link above) and you can also follow them on Twitter here. World Book Day, which sees events all over…
19th February 2013
Yellow Roses It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, in fact, I hadn’t even checked in to this wordpress site, so I was really pleased to see that some of you have still been dropping by to read my old posts… a big thank you to you! Today, a poem, written last night, straight out, as it…
21st December 2012
A Very Sunny Blog Post I’m delighted to say that my wee Musings & Mutterings (Previously known as my BOF – Blog on Friday) has been nominated for the ‘Sunshine Award’ (YAY!) and as I like sunshine and sunflowers, I am doubly happy to accept it. The Sunshine Award is ‘given and passed on to bloggers who positively…
2nd December 2012
SCBWI Dooby Dooooooooo I’ve done it! My first SCBWI conference. And I survived… yay, of course I did. For those who don’t know, SCBWI is the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, referred to as ‘Scooby’ and run by a whole host of amazing people who put in hours and hours of work to…
17th October 2012
The Story Maker This has to be the most exciting blog post I have written yet (from my point of view) in the most excitable frame of mind, probably since the original conception of this story idea, back in February this year -my ‘2am moment’ – and its coinciding blog post. ‘The Story Maker’, co-written with…
26th October 2012
Breaking my Blog and Blogging about my Break! I have decided to have a blog break for a while, and have been kind of putting off this post as I didn’t really want to. After almost a year and a half of weekly blogging, breaking off from it felt like taking a step backwards somehow. …