Tag: Buttercup Magic: A Mystery for Megan
26th July 2013
Mapping out my latest novel There’s always plenty of chat in the writerly world about whether we should plot or plan, which works best, which we prefer, or whether we do a bit of both. One of the wonderful things about any creative pursuit though, is that we can do it exactly the way we want. I…
27th February 2013
WORLD BOOK DAY! Oh yes, it’s that time of year again, and I LOVE IT! World Book Day this year is on 7th March. There are games, resources and a book review competition on their official website (see link above) and you can also follow them on Twitter here. World Book Day, which sees events all over…
2nd December 2012
SCBWI Dooby Dooooooooo I’ve done it! My first SCBWI conference. And I survived… yay, of course I did. For those who don’t know, SCBWI is the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, referred to as ‘Scooby’ and run by a whole host of amazing people who put in hours and hours of work to…
12th October
The Beastly Beast that is… the synopsis! Yes, I am currently at that point. The novel is finished. Oh yes!!! So, what do I do with it now? Obviously, I had to write the synopsis. I didn’t especially want to, so put it off for a bit. Then I started and immediately it began to…
24th August 2012
Using locations for inspiration ~ a trip down memory lane A year or so ago, I started work on my second novel. Those of you who have read previous blog posts of mine will know that my first novel sits, alone and forlorn, in a drawer of my rather crammed writing cabinet, the writing cabinet that is…