Tag: Children’s writing

  • 20th April 2012

    One foot in another world With Buttercup Magic: A Mystery for Megan due for publication in just under a week’s time, I started thinking about why I’d written it.  Why this book?  Why this story?  I can break it down into three reasons: 1) My own inclination to disappear into my own world appealed to me as…

  • 13th April 2012

    Buttercup Magic… OOOH! A FREEBIE! As some of you will know, I received a wee stash (HOORAY!) of my new book, Buttercup Magic: A Mystery for Megan, (HOORAY!) a couple of weeks ago, from my lovely Publisher, Piccadilly Press (HOORAY!) … okay, enough of that!  It IS exciting though, and I never quite know when my…

  • 2nd March

    How to get cream-crackered and a lump in the throat at same time Firstly, for non UK readers, cream-crackered is slang for… erm… very tired, exhausted, wrecked… that kind of thing.  School visits do that.  They are also decidedly lovely, for many reasons.  I’ve done a few now, but this week’s visit, in celebration of World Book…

  • 6th January 2011

    The Plot Planner I’ve mentioned my plot planner in one or two posts now and it’s generated a bit of interest, curiosity and intrigue among other writers, and, apparently, some squinting as certain tweeps (you know who you are) have attempted to work out, from my last post, what the heck I was up to! …

  • 14th October

    Knowing your characters I’ve had a fair few chats with fellow tweeters lately about the different, or similar, ways in which we write and how we develop character, which has prompted me to write this post.  When I think about my writing, most of it is character driven and plot  considerations come later.   This may or may…