Tag: Jane Howard

  • 16th May 2013

    Through the keyhole ~ Writing Spaces About a year or so ago, I put together a post on writer’s spaces (this is mine by the way, also operating as a planning literacy sessions, eating lunch, marking, editing, watching ‘Pointless’ and ‘Grand Designs’, dreaming and painting space… oh, and napping!) The cushion really has taken on…

  • 2nd December 2012

    SCBWI Dooby Dooooooooo I’ve done it! My first SCBWI conference. And I survived… yay, of course I did.  For those who don’t know, SCBWI is the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, referred to as ‘Scooby’ and run by a whole host of amazing people who put in hours and hours of work to…