Tag: Piccadilly Press
New Year’s Greetings!
2nd January 2024 Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a lovely and relaxing Christmas. As someone who likes to be in tune with the seasons, the Christmas period, for me, is about hunkering down, catching up on sleep, watching old films, doing jigsaws, spending time with friends and family… and yes, eating…
19th June 2013
Piccadilly, Puppies and a School Visit Tool Kit. Yesterday, I was in Burton on Trent at William Shrewsbury School doing school visitty stuff. My publisher, Piccadilly Press, are now part of Templar Publishing and had put together a lovely promo poster here… Abi School Event_Poster Template I love it, and it was great to see…
2nd December 2012
SCBWI Dooby Dooooooooo I’ve done it! My first SCBWI conference. And I survived… yay, of course I did. For those who don’t know, SCBWI is the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, referred to as ‘Scooby’ and run by a whole host of amazing people who put in hours and hours of work to…
9th December
Taking the plunge I’ve thought quite a lot about how I became a writer, because it wasn’t something I aspired to be for a long time. I had quite a lot of jobs, not loads, but a few. After leaving school, I worked in a hospital preparing microfiche and locating medical records. It was pretty soul destroying. Then…