Tag: plot planner
9th February
The end… or is it? A short and sweet one from me today – and an early one – today I BLOT (Blog on Thursday) as opposed to BOG (Blog on Friday)! This week, I have finished my first YA work in progress … well, I say ‘finished’ – first draft is completed and I’m having a…
6th January 2011
The Plot Planner I’ve mentioned my plot planner in one or two posts now and it’s generated a bit of interest, curiosity and intrigue among other writers, and, apparently, some squinting as certain tweeps (you know who you are) have attempted to work out, from my last post, what the heck I was up to! …
30th December
The Book of 2012! I can’t believe 2012 is almost here – where did 2011 go? I remember, as a child, my mum saying how time flew as you got older. It seems such a bizarre concept when you’re young, that the speed of time could vary according to your age. Those six week summers seemed more…