Tag: plotting
Family Stories
13th September 2023 I am in the final edits of my current adult novel, The Photograph Album, although I’m pretty sure I said this a few weeks ago too! The fact that I am still editing is thanks to my wonderful beta readers who have given me such incredible and helpful suggestions and feedback. As…
26th July 2013
Mapping out my latest novel There’s always plenty of chat in the writerly world about whether we should plot or plan, which works best, which we prefer, or whether we do a bit of both. One of the wonderful things about any creative pursuit though, is that we can do it exactly the way we want. I…
7th September 2012
Every end has a beginning When we started writing our contemporary adult novel in February this year, me and my co-author had quite a clear idea of how the novel would, or could, end, and we had a vague idea of how it would begin. We knew that our main concern would be the protagonist’s journey. We knew who the two…
9th February
The end… or is it? A short and sweet one from me today – and an early one – today I BLOT (Blog on Thursday) as opposed to BOG (Blog on Friday)! This week, I have finished my first YA work in progress … well, I say ‘finished’ – first draft is completed and I’m having a…
6th January 2011
The Plot Planner I’ve mentioned my plot planner in one or two posts now and it’s generated a bit of interest, curiosity and intrigue among other writers, and, apparently, some squinting as certain tweeps (you know who you are) have attempted to work out, from my last post, what the heck I was up to! …