Tag: writing
11th May 2012
Music to write to A few months ago, I wrote a guest post for We Love This Book, as part of their Music to Read by series (which you can read here.) At the time of writing that post, I kept thinking of music I wrote to, rather than music I read to, because, as…
20th April 2012
One foot in another world With Buttercup Magic: A Mystery for Megan due for publication in just under a week’s time, I started thinking about why I’d written it. Why this book? Why this story? I can break it down into three reasons: 1) My own inclination to disappear into my own world appealed to me as…
30th March
It’s all a matter of perception… isn’t it? (Part 2) If you read last week’s blog post, you’ll be expecting this… if you didn’t, ‘SURPRISE!’ Last week me and fellow tweep, Angie Shawcroft, painted a scene at Chatsworth, with surprisingly different results. This got me thinking about the whole idea of perception and style, and…
22nd March
It’s all a matter of perception… isn’t it? (Part 1) Have you ever been writing a book, only to discover that another person has written a book with the same, or very similar, title? It’s a tad disconcerting. It’s now happened to me twice. It’s a scary moment as you race to find out the ‘blurb’…
16th March
The Books that shape you I find it interesting that the things we like as children seem to really stick with us, and yet at times, in our grown up worlds, we can feel like we’ve lost touch with who we are, of the essence of who we were when we were young. I only have to look back to those…
9th March
Girl with red hair There’s a kind of dichotomy, I think, between writing that takes on a fantastical element, and writing that is gritty and very real. Some writers will say they write to escape, submerged in their own world. Others, that writing puts them in touch with themselves and helps them to realise who they…
24th February
A new way of writing Writing has always been a solitary experience for me – part of my love for it in a way, even from being in my teens, sat gazing out of a window and scribbling down angst ridden words of unrequited love… that kind of nonsense… and until recently, I have continued to…
17th February
Not THIS one… but the one after I think it’s fair to say that there’s a strong feeling for most writers of wanting to be published… but perhaps ‘strong feeling’ isn’t strong enough – maybe ‘desperation’ is closer to the truth. That’s certainly how I have felt at times. Mostly, for me, it’s that feeling that I need confirmation that the hours I spend in my head…
9th February
The end… or is it? A short and sweet one from me today – and an early one – today I BLOT (Blog on Thursday) as opposed to BOG (Blog on Friday)! This week, I have finished my first YA work in progress … well, I say ‘finished’ – first draft is completed and I’m having a…
3rd February
A Poem Sometimes writing – what I think of as ‘proper writing’ goes a bit awol. It happens to the best of us I think… life gets in the way, we’re tired, distracted, anxious, or all of these. Sometimes we have to push through this and there’s no doubt in my mind that writing is…